Friday, October 5, 2012

Coffee table adventures!

Coffee tables are a strange piece of furniture aren't they? They aren't tall enough to eat off of, unless you are sitting on the floor.They basically serve no real purpose. Oh, I do understand they are ideally there so that you can put a cup of coffee on them while sitting on the couch. But what family with small children does that? I know that we certainly don't unless we are hoping for coffee to be poured on the floor or for one of the little ones to take a giant swig! No, in our house the coffee table was a mini jungle gym, or so the girls seemed to think. Ella Rose had also used it as her own personal art station. She'd decorated the underside of it and they both regularly tried to climb up on top of it and sit. Yes, sit! They'd decided somewhere along the way that it was just another chair in the living room.

I can't count the number of times that Josh has tightened the legs on that coffee table. So it came as no great surprise that today, the table was destroyed! Ella and Evie were running around and around the table and one of the bumped into it...and off broke its leg.

Don't get me wrong this was no high quality piece of furniture that we are talking about. I bought this coffee table shortly after we were married. I thought I'd scored a deal. I paid about sixty dollars for the coffee table and two end tables, but when it arrive it was laminate and particle board, but the part that mattered to me was that it was the "right color." And so the table had remained. After we had children the important part was that it had no sharp edges, and it didn't. So the table remain...until today.

Just like any sane and terribly ocd mother would do, I loaded up my terribly tired children and we went furniture shopping. Now, I must admit the girls were GOOD! They ran through the stores, true! They cackled and laughed and fell in the floor. They checked out the bunkbeds and called the fliers store maps, but they were good! Josh and I joked that we should offer to pay the furniture stores to let the girls come play there. They'd probably enjoy it as much as any playground or even as much as a fair! And the truth, they probably would!

So after three stores and a trip to Walmart, we have a new coffee table ordered...and I have to admit it's a beauty! It even has a lift top on it so that I can work on my laptop or the girls will be able to do art and homework and such on it! I'm really ready for our new coffee table to arrive!

And I'll also admit I considered for a split second using the old laminate one (that is indestructible) from storage, but vetoed the idea. It's a family heirloom, but it's also one that has given each generation stitches and I'm just not going there with these girls. So on Tuesday, a new coffee table arrives...and will join our new dishwasher and new refrigerator in the honor of being some of the newest accessories in our home and I have to admit I can hardly wait! It feels like the week before Christmas, I am trying to envision how it will change the look of my living the girls will respond to it, etc...

But deep down I also wonder, how long until fingers are smashed by the lift top and if it will meet up to their jungle gym and pedestal standards. Only time will tell!

Boop Boop de doop!


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