Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sauntering through Saturday

I love the weekends especially Saturdays. I always have! There's just something about them and to be honest now that I'm a stay at home Mom my life doesn't necessarily change that much simply because it's the weekend, BUT somehow the atmosphere does. The girls sleep later on Saturdays, breakfast is more relaxed and everyone just lets their hair down a bit more. Today was no exception...

This morning the girls let me sleep past eight! Woo hooo!!! I was really excited. Okay, honestly, I was really dragging because Ella Rose was up and down all night long coughing. In fact, the coughing got so bad around 4 am that we awakened my Momma to find out where she keeps various medicines and to give Ella Rose a breathing around 5:30ish I managed to get back to my sound sleep...and yes at 7:30 Evie Alice was ready to get up...but I convinced my dear darling toddler that Mommy needed a bit more rest and she allowed me to sleep past 8. Score!!! :)

Once the three of us were up the girls were ready to get dressed. They both picked out what they wanted for breakfast and they settled down to watch cartoons. It was nice. After a leisurely breakfast (or two as the case may be for the children who ate early and then again later in the morning) we all got ready to go explore the Fall Festival at my nephews' school. Only the youngest nephew joined the girls and me, but we had a great time. Danny and Ella Rose played on the inflatable slide and the monkey bars of the "big playground" for over half and hour. Then we wandered over and all three children got tattoos. Once they were properly covered with tattoos we headed indoors for the cake walk which was well, a cake walk and all three children left with cake in their hands.

After consuming their sugary treats they headed over to the gym. Both Danny and Ella Rose did impressively well at the bean bag toss and the obstacle course. They completed the obstacle course numerous times before I decided it was time to head back to Gran and Paw's house. So we did and then Evie Alice and I headed out to brave Walmart in order to get presents for Danny's birthday party this afternoon. He turned seven today.

We successfully located all the necessary Scooby Doo accessories for the party and I was so excited! I even found a Scooby Doo comforter for half price and managed to slip in a Christmas present for Evie Alice without her realizing I'd done so.

With all the party preparations accomplished we headed over to Kidz Play for an afternoon of bouncing fun...and all the children had a blast. The older ones bounced around on the inflatables while Evie chowed down on cupcakes and ice cream.

But as the afternoon wore on I could tell more and more in little Ella Rose's eyes that she just didn't feel well. So I insisted that she go to the doctor and man, am I glad I did. Turns out my little chicka has pneumonia.

And that began a whole different sort of adventure. Ella Rose hasn't been eating well so I headed to Kroger after dropping off the girls at Gran and Paws and picking up Chicka's prescription. Thankfully, my grocery visit paid off. Ella was enticed into eating a large bowl of soup and the medicine seems to have had the desired effect. She's sleeping well hopefully she'll recuperate from the pneumonia with a hitch. I hope! She's strong and still energetic so I suspect she will...

And now, both my little ones are snuggled up soundly together dreaming sweet dreams. And I my friends have an early Saturday evening to enjoy all to myself...the question that remains is how shall I spend it? Reading a book? Soaking in the tub? Enjoying a hot cup of tea or all the above? Regardless, it's the perfect ending to a busy, and enjoyable, laid back Saturday.

With that said, I'm off to enjoy my quiet time!

Boop doop de doop!


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