Thursday, October 18, 2012

Beheading Mother in laws and seasonal clothing

Read a news article today about how an Afghan mother in law beheaded her daughter in law for refusing to participate in prostitution while her husband was at work. That definitely makes my mother in law seem like a better person. But in all seriousness, I'm just so thankful to live where I do so that my biggest worries of the day were what OTC cough medicine to give my younger daughter so she could sleep at night and where to buy inexpensive long sleeved shirts for my 3 year old because she only had 5 once I switched out the seasonal clothing.

Yea, in all my infinite wisdom I decided while the girls and I were sick I'd tackle switching out the clothing for fall/winter and put up our spring/summer clothes. In so doing, I discovered that Evie Alice could easily clothe triplets if not quadruplets in her clothes whereas Ella Rose could not because she was lacking long sleevage.

Anyway, problem adverted. Ella now has new shirts and the cough medicine mystery is solved. The answer is dimetapp.

And with this major issues resolved I am headed to bed. I'm exhausted! Evie had me up until 3am last night.

Boop doop de doop!


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