Monday, October 12, 2009

The end of fall break

As I've gone around the house this evening preparing for tomorrow (the return to teaching for me and daycare for Ella) I've found myself filled with a longing to be a stay at home mom. I could SO go for that. Maybe one day...but in the meantime. Clothes are picked out for tomorrow, lunches are packed. The kitchen is clean, the dishes done. Coffee is ready to be made with the switch of a button, amd the little one has been settled for the evening.

I have absolutely loved these last ten days. Ella and I have had so much fun, being on the go, and not being on the go. We've loved staying at home. Cuddling, doing normal day to day things. Today she helped me make an apple pie, lasagna and dinner rolls.

I couldn't have asked for a better life, or a better child than the one I have. And I look forward to sharing more about the adventures that we've had since we got back to South GA, tomorrow.


Aleta said...

It's sad that work takes time away from children. She sounds like a treasure. Ella - what a pretty name!

Betty Briones said...

Thank you. I agree it is sad that work takes us away from our children. I really think our values are messed up in our society that so that it becomes so difficult for us to be home and nurture our children properly.