Monday, October 26, 2009

Busy work week

Hi all-

Honestly, I don't feel like I've done a good job at all with NaBloWriMo (in other words posting every day in October) but this month has been nuts.

However, with that said, let me update you all on the Georgia National Fair. Josh, Ella and I had a blast! Ella got to see the cows and horses. She got to go to a petting zoo and best of all she got to hang out with her friend Sophia.

Although I swear she probably would say the best part of the trip was playing in the fountain. :) We had so much fun. Josh got candy apples, and cotton candy. We got to walk through a tree that was a house. Josh was really impressed by this!! He's a do it with your hands type of guy! And, I got to have fun with my friends and family at the 20th anniversary of the Georgia National Fair. It was great!

We'd planned to go to a Halloween party the following night, but Ella was totally worn out, and so was I. So we put off the Halloween party for this year. One night led into another and before we knew it I was falling asleep at 8:30 in the evening. I have no idea how I got so exhausted. The house became dirty and work and manage the basic chores were all I could do last week, but things are better now. I'm even going to try to get a post up on Ella's blog and on my pet's blog this evening.

This past weekend was a snuggle and nap weekend. I fixed more food for Ella Rose. She now has cranberry applesauce, blackbeans, cranberries, summer squash, turnips, more spinach, more split pea soup, and cantelope. She's all set. :) She didn't care for the autumn harvest soup I made, but that's okay...we have plenty of new things to try.

Josh helped me straighten up the house a lot this weekend. Then this afternoon, the rush began. Ella had a Dr's appt. She's got a cold...poor thing. So off to the doctor we went. We are going to pick up her cough medicine shortly. rambly old post...without pictures, but those will come the meantime it's back to the races for Ella and me. We've got to pick up her medicine and drop off Josh's casts off to the local version of Good Will. I'll try to post again soon!

Take care,

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