Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Summer time and the living is BUSY!!!

I can hardly believe it. I've been a stay at home Momma for a year now and summer time is upon us once again.Wow! The time certainly has flown.

But, you wouldn't know it's almost summer time by the weather we are having. I even had to put a light jacket on Evie Alice and me this morning as we ran out of the house to do an early morning errand...nonetheless...summer is here. Ella Rose has one more day of school and then she officially becomes a pre-k girl.Where has the time gone? How can my big girl be ready to go to pre-k. And how am I going to feel when it's time for her to go to kindergarten in a year....hmmm....

Thankfully, we are able to put off her entry into public school this year. So she will be completing her pre-k in the same school that she did her two year old preschool and three year old preschool tenures. I am so thankful she's staying put..but nonetheless the transition seems huge to me. How can my baby be so BIG!

And summer hasn't even started but it's already packed! Granted it's packed with fun filled activities...but it's still slam full. Josh was joking just the other day with Ella Rose that she will need a vacation from her summer and I do believe that's true.

So what have we got planned for the summer? Well, here's the mega-long list. Ella Rose is doing Dance camp, Gymnastics Camp, "School camp" three days this summer and swimming lessons. Evie Alice has a Dr's appt for her eye that doesn't track properly, story hour at the library, weekly play dates
 and many family activities planned. We are going to participate in the summer reading program from the library. We will see a few of the kids summer movies when we can fit it in to
our schedule we are going to Camp CoCo...our family camp in Arkansas...taking a family trip to the beach, and visiting Disney World and Universal Studios on the way home from the beach....then of course there are play dates, trips to the pool, a dance recital, and Vacation Bible school that I'm directing and the girls are participating in.

I can hardly wait! Now if the weather would just cooperate...we would be good to go. Bring on the triple digit weather.... so the fun can begin. :)

Boop doop de doop.

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