Sunday, October 7, 2012

Go take a leap.....

A year ago I truly hated going to church, and regularly came home telling my husband how much I despised it. I didn't want to leave the faith of my childhood, but felt options were limited and I was frustrated. My children weren't thriving, they didn't feel involved and basically everyone was miserable. I honestly was on the verge of packing up my faith filled bags and switching denominations. Being raised Episcopalian (which I'm sure of you are thinking Episco-what?)  this was a very difficulty decision. I was leaning toward the Roman Catholic church heavily, but feeling pushed toward the Methodist church for my children and my family's well being.

But then I had a conversation with a deacon in our church and from there everything began to change. I just voiced my frustration to him, I told him that I felt like there wasn't anything left at this church for my family and that my children not only weren't learning much there, but that they weren't involved and neither was I. He told me that he didn't think there was much home that the service we were attending could change to fit what we needed, but then he did something radical...he suggested that we start a family service. He described for me a service he'd seen and participated in when his children were small where they were free to be children. Things were explained on their level and parents didn't have to continually feel as if they were stiffling their children as they sat through a long drawn out church service. Which could seem ENDLESS with a toddler and newborn, let me tell does. Especially when many elderly people want to be judgmental of little ones for not behaving like mini-adults.

So y'all know, I loved what he described, but thought that it was an impossible goal. Why? Because the only "family with small children" left at this church was mine. All the others had packed up and found new spiritual homes. But we took a leap of faith after meeting a few more times. We decided to start a "family" service for people with children that was very similar to the one his children had participated in years ago, the one that seems totally unattainable. But I figured, what did we have to lose...

So (ten months ago) we did it!!!!! We started a child focused, or really family focused service, that maintains the liturgies that I love, but allows my children to be involved and explains things on their level. It feeds them and well, all involved. And the parents give the sermons, which I think is awesome. And it's worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we started this service my husband, children and I were the only ones there for a few weeks. I worried some that we'd made a big mistake and that we'd taken a step away from what we knew and isolated ourselves with no real gain spiritually for any one of us and that it would be a waste of time, but it's not!

Today, 10 months later...a year after I felt like I was at the edge of a cliff...we had a church picnic. As the priest (yes, the same person I spoke with last year...when he was a deacon) and I looked around we were struck by how much has changed. Today, our picnic had 16 children running around playing games and having fun along with a tremendous number of families present. And yes, all 16 of these children have attended the Family service and 13 of these children are regulars. Our child population just grew 750% in a year. Wow!

And not only do we have the 750% increase in child population, but we have started a new child Sunday School program that I hope will thrive just as plentifully.

Had you asked me if any of this was possible a year ago, I'd have said no. I never saw it coming. It just goes to show, that when you feel like taking a lea...take it...the rewards are great.

So with that said, Go take a Leap....

Boop Boop de doop


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