Wednesday, June 4, 2008

SAHW, the homemaker!!

Hi all-

Things down here continue to go well, but BUSY!!! And to think that I worried about not having enough to do. Now I'm wishing I had as many arms as a bee so that I could get through my to do list during the daylight hours. :)
Here it is mid-afternoon and I've finally sat down for the second time today. Thank goodness for lunch!!! :)

Honestly though, I'm loving being a stay at home wife. My husband is beginning to realize the flexibility that this gives me and asked me to do half a dozen things for him today...but I didn't mind in the least. It was really nice to have the time to do that.
I've found a really neat site, for all women stay at home or not, that struggle with keeping their house up. It's called Fly Lady. WOW! It's definitely inspiring and I have no illusions that our home would look very different about now if it were not for this site.
Heck it's even motivated me to clean my car. As most of you know, cleaning the car is no small feat for me!! :)

So how am I filling my day? Actually it depends, each day brings new challenges and new adventures (much like each day of teaching school). Some days are filled with cleaning activities at the house. Some are mainly errands and socializing and some are doing projects. The mix definitely keeps things from getting dull around here!!

Yesterday I had lunch with a really good friend. Then I visited my husband at one of his job sites. It was so cool to get to see the work he does, in the works (pun intended). Tomorrow I'm going out to lunch with a friend and to the movies. I'm really looking forward to that.

I'm convinced I'm going to start being able to go sunbathe before the week is over. And take a bubble bath!! Only one more day until the doctor clears me to bathe instead of shower! YES! I can hardly wait.... Josh will probably have a hard time getting me out of the tub on Thursday. I have SO missed my baths.

Then of course on Saturday, my dear husband and I are headed out to a wedding. It's one of my old debaters that is getting married. I can hardly wait. I was talking to her yesterday and she was telling me that her job after she's married will be to be the homemaker.

As I reflected upon what she was saying, I began to think about how much our society and women's perspectives have changed. For generations women were not allowed to work outside of the home. Then can the liberation and women rushed out to work both outside and inside the home...however as more time passes, many women are realizing that the most precious job they'll ever do is to be a homemaker.

I realized the tide was changing and that more women were deciding to work at home when I started thinking about what many of my friends do. And to be honest, as you know it's my dream needless to say I feel like I'm in heaven this summer. Yay!

Nevertheless, Josh and I aren't to a place where I can do this year-round yet! But, assuming that the things we have in mind for the fall bear fruition then within a few years I will be a fulltime homemaker while our children are small. I can hardly wait!!! In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy this wonderful opportunity called Summer Vacation to be a full-time homemaker. Or perhaps I should a fulltime Summer homemaker.

Well, I would love to chat more, but duty calls. Sometime soon, I'll try to get back and share all about the new projects I'm working on. See you soon!

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